I hope you are all having a wonderful Easter! Still pretty dreary here, but our spirits are high...it is finally getting warmer. The snow is almost gone!
I started my blog with my amaryllis re potting and now I just have to share a picture of the first blooms with you...my Easter present to you! The second one should bloom in a few days. It is white with red veins. My husband says this is his favorite flower. He calls it the 'Martian Plant'! I love it for the beauty and serenity it gives me at Easter time and because I am sooooo desperate for anything blooming this time of year. As you can see in the picture all is still pretty brown and bare outside. But my geraniums, cyclamen and orchids are all blooming right now. I am truly blessed!
Sorry I took so long to see your blog. I love your pressed flowers. Tell and show me more. Also, how do you keep the flowers from falling off your page? What kind of glue do you use? You can also contact me by e-mail at rrswaner@comcast.net Thanks, RUTH